MAKASSAR - A female student with the initials FM was killed by hanging from a guava tree in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi. A letter was found containing FM's heartbreak.

The Head of Public Relations for the Tana Toraja Police, Aiptu Erwin, explained that the discovery of FM's body was discovered when a witness was about to go to the Makale market at around 05.30 WITA, Wednesday, November 4. The witness saw the victim hanging on a guava tree.

"The victim hanged himself using a high school tie that was wrapped around his neck and then tied over a guava tree," said Aiptu Erwin when contacted by VOI.

This discovery was reported to the police until finally the Tana Toraja Police identification unit team came to the location. From the results of the examination by the Lakipadada Hospital medical team, Makale, there were no signs of violence on the victim's body. From the identification, the victim suffered from a rope wound on the neck.

"The initial conclusion of the investigation of FM's hanging was allegedly because the victim was unable to face the problem that befell him. Where the victim wrote an outpouring letter before hanging himself and found no signs of violence," said Aiptu Erwin.

The police found a letter for FM's girlfriend with the initials AL. The Navy was examined.

"We are currently asking for information from a teenager with the initials AL, aged 17, who is suspected of being the victim's lover. The victim FM and AL did have a love affair, but based on information from the Navy, their relationship was cut off Monday, October 2, "continued Aiptu Erwin.

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