JAKARTA - Academics from the University of Indonesia (UI) Dr. Rahmi Setiawati said the digital literacy empowerment program needs to be continuously strengthened in order to encourage the wise and positive use of social media in the community.

"Digital literacy is very important to build ethics and empathy in communicating in the digital space, as well as encouraging people to use social media wisely and positively," he said when contacted, Thursday, July 7.

The Media Production Lecturer, the UI Vocational Program, said that digital literacy also has an important role so that people can filter information circulating on social media so that they are not easily influenced by disinformation or hoaxes.

"Currently the development of technology, makes information develop quickly and without limits. Even cyberspace seems to be a reality. Information circulating in the digital world is difficult to dam so digital literacy is needed so that a person can sort out the information they get," he said.

The chairman of the UI Professional Certification Institute (LSP) added that digital literacy will build ethics and the ability to communicate well in the digital world, in accordance with Indonesian cultural values.

"Many programs can be made by the government to improve digital literacy in the community, for example by intensifying socialization and education to the village or sub-district level," he said.

In addition, he said, he can cooperate with universities to create creative and innovative literacy empowerment programs that can be easily understood by all levels of society.

"The program made must be right on target, starting from teenagers, youth groups, mothers to gentlemen, according to the portion with the aim that all parties targeted by the program can have the ability to sort, manage and utilize the information they get," he added.

Rahmi added that social media can be used for positive things and can encourage the emergence of creative and innovative ideas that will have a positive impact on people's lives.

"For example, social media can provide benefits in various aspects of life, both socially and economically, and can even become social capital as a driver in development. However, to take advantage of the positive side of social media, digital literacy is needed so that people are not even affected by the negative side of social media," he said. confiscated by Antara.

Previously, it was reported that the Deputy for Mental Revolution Coordination, Advancement of Culture and Sports Achievement at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Didik Suhardi, said that his party was preparing a strategic program in order to encourage the use of positive social media in accordance with the National Movement for the Mental Revolution.

"The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture together with other ministries and institutions as well as community groups are currently preparing programs aimed at encouraging positive use of social media," said Didik.

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