JAKARTA - The Bogor District Health Office has opened its voice regarding the findings of a number of people who have received a third dose of vaccination certificate (booster) in the PeduliLindung application even though they have not. Head of the Sepim Prevention and Disease Control Section of the Bogor District Health Office, Lucky, admitted that his party had heard similar complaints before at one of the Bogor Regency Health Centers. From this condition, Lucky emphasized that the public can still carry out booster vaccines even though their data has been inputted in the PeduliLidung application. "We advise the public, if they have been inputted with a booster vaccination, they can come to the puskesmas, tell them that they haven't actually been boosted. We also convey to the puskesmas so that they can still be injected with the vaccine," Lucky said when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, July 6. Lucky suspects that this case could have occurred because there was an error in inputting the NIK by the vaccination officer. "Maybe this is a number error in inputting the NIK of residents who are already boosters," he continued. Lucky admitted that there were indeed a number of vaccination service facilities that refused residents to get a boster injection even though the resident's confession had not yet been vaccinated. Lucky said the reason for the refusal of this vaccination was because the vaccination center could not confirm that the residents had not been injected with a booster or actually lied in order to get the fourth dose of injection. Therefore, Lucky asked residents who have not been vaccinated against boosters but have received a certificate in PeduliLindung to come directly to the Bogor District Health Office office. "Indeed, we can't blame health facilities who don't want to serve because we are worried that people will lie and want a booster vaccine twice. Right, I'm afraid there will be a fourth dose of vaccine AEFI," said Lucky. "So, my advice, people who are not yet boosters but have been recorded as caring for protection, just come to the Bogor Health Office office from Monday to Saturday," he continued. The government is currently intensifying the provision of a COVID-19 booster vaccine. The reason is that the number of people who were given this third dose of injection has only reached 51,180,596 people. However, there are a number of residents who claim to have received a third dose of vaccine certificate even though they have not been injected. One of them is RN. His confession to VOI, he and his wife were declared to have received the third dose of vaccine because a certificate had been issued. "Even though I have not been injected with a booster dose at all. If the vaccine certificate is listed as Moderna for the third dose," he said on Wednesday, July 6. In the certificate of the third dose of vaccine issued, he is said to have received a booster. The wife also experienced the same thing, which was stated to have received the third dose of vaccine with the AstraZaneca type. According to RN, he and his wife are domiciled in Depok, West Java. However, both of them were declared to have received a booster shot at the Bogor Police. RR also experienced the same thing, workers in the graphics section of a company in the Central Jakarta area. Hearing information about boosters being rushed by the government, RR took the initiative to open his PeduliLinduingi application. Sure enough. This 28-year-old youth who lives in Citereup, Bogor, West Java, sees that his application is complete with a third dose of vaccine certificate. Don't forget to follow the findings of the editors who reported a number of residents in West Java suddenly received a booster vaccine certificate even though they had never been injected. You can follow this link.

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