JAKARTA - A coalition of advocates representing the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) sent a summons and objection letter to Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto. The coalition of advocates is demanding the repeal of Permenkes Number 24 of 2020 concerning Clinical Radiology Services.

Coordinator of the Advocates Coalition, Muhammad Luthfie Hakim, said that there were three points of objection recorded in the letter.

First, regarding the timing of the issuance of the regulation. According to him, in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not necessary to issue Permenkes Number 24 of 2020.

The reason is, currently cooperation between specialist doctors is urgently needed. Therefore, handling COVID-19 can be handled properly.

However, the issuance of this regulation that prioritizes radiology specialists and excludes other specialists will only have a bad impact.

"(Putting aside) other doctors, both general practitioners at Clinical Radiology Services, in using equipment with ionizing and non-ionizing radiation modalities, will certainly create an uncomfortable atmosphere and weaken cooperation between doctors which will ultimately disrupt the quality of health services to the wider community," said Luthfie in his statement, Tuesday, November 3.

While the facts were found in the field, some hospitals began to experience an atmosphere of uncertainty. This is because there is a problem with clinical authority in carrying out radiology services between radiology specialists and general dentists and other specialists.

The issuance of regulations was also considered inappropriate because the process of making it did not involve other organizations.

"Professional organizations and colleges as Stakeholders explained that they were not involved and invited to meetings in the preparation until the issuance of PMK 24/2020," he said.

"In other words, PMK 24/2020 is seen as ignoring the interests of the wider community and good relations between doctors," he continued.

Second, the objection letter also highlights the moral basis of the regulation. Whereas the Minister of Health is a radiology specialist who has a duty to serve the public and has a vested interest, but with the issuance of this regulation, he is considered to give priority to fellow radiology specialists.

"So that the moral basis which is one of the regulative principles is questionable," he said.

Not involving other parties in drafting the regulation is considered to further strengthen the weak moral foundation of PMK 24/2020. It even raises the issue of the Minister of Health's abuse of power in carrying out his position.

"A statutory regulation must also have an ethical foundation that reflects the principles, among others, protection, kinship, justice, order and legal certainty, and balance, harmony and harmony, all of which are considered ignored or neglected," he explained.

The last point regarding the intervention of the Minister of Health in matters of competence in the implementation of medical practice using equipment with ionizing and non-ionizing radiation modalities is considered to be diametrically opposed to the provision of competence.

"The preparation of medical professional education standards and dental professional education standards, and the preparation of professional education standards for specialist doctors and specialist dentists (as the basis for implementing medical or dental education and training)," he said.

Then, about the implementation of education and training in medicine and dentistry. Providing competency certificates to doctors and dentists, and specialist doctors and dentists as the basis for issuing a Registration Certificate or STR.

"Giving STR (as the basis for implementing medical practice in Indonesia), and implementing medical practice which must be in accordance with the competencies contained in STR," he said.

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