JAKARTA - Residents of Cilandak Sub-district, South Jakarta, will perform Eid al-Adha prayers on July 10, 2022 at the old mosque in the Lebak Bulus dam project site.

"Yes, I pray Eid at the old mosque, of course before it becomes a replacement mosque," said Cilandak Sub-district Head Djaharudin in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, July 5.

Djaharudin said the old mosque named Dahrul Ihsan would be torn down after the new mosque, Baabul Khairat was completed. Currently, the construction of the new mosque has reached 60 percent. The obstacle in the development is water resources (SDA).

The water in the reservoir to control the flow of the Grogol River is estimated to be completed in

next October. "In October, God willing, it will be completed and it is estimated that everything will be completed," he said.

Previously, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government built several reservoirs for flood management. One of them is in South Jakarta, namely the Lebak Bulus reservoir.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said the Lebak Bulus reservoir will have a green and blue concept by prioritizing local wisdom.

"The construction concept of the Lebak Bulus Reservoir is 'green and blue' by prioritizing local wisdom. The construction of this reservoir is a program of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in the context of controlling floods in the DKI Jakarta area, especially in the Grogol River System," Anies wrote on his Instagram account @aniesbaswedan, Monday (24/1/2022).

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