Two Foreign Women Killed In Shark Attack In Red Sea, Egyptian Authorities Ban Activities Around Attack Site
Illustration of a shark (Pixabay/Bruce777)

JAKARTA - Egypt's Ministry of Environment said two women were killed by a shark attack in the Red Sea, south of the city of Hurghada, on Sunday.

Two sources told Reuters the body of a Romanian tourist in his late forties was found hours after the attack that killed a 68-year-old Austrian woman. The two attacks took place within 600 meters of each other, off the coast of Sahl Hashesh, the source said, as quoted on July 4.

The first victim was transferred to a local private hospital, a source at the Red Sea Health Affairs Directorate told Reuters. He added that there were attempts to resuscitate him, but he died from his injuries.

The Austrian woman was swimming when she was attacked, losing her leg and arm, citing Sky News. Videos uploaded online show the woman being attacked by a mako shark while she was near the beach.

A security source also added that the Austrian woman had been living in Egypt for the past five years with her Egyptian husband.

The ministry said in its statement a committee had been formed to examine the circumstances of the attack and the scientific reasons behind it.

Meanwhile, the Governor of the Red Sea Governorate, Major General Amr Hanafi, has issued orders to halt all activity in the area surrounding the attack.

All 'sea activities' have been banned, including diving, snorkeling, windsurfing, kite sailing and fishing boats. The attack came as the resort was recovering from the coronavirus pandemic.

Shark attacks are known to be rare in the area, with the latest incident believed to be the first since 2020. Hurghada, a resort town stretching some 25 miles along Egypt's Red Sea coast, is well known for scuba diving.

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