MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police have arrested two suspects in the alleged fraudulent purchase of land in Janapria, Central Lombok Regency.

The Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Artanto, revealed that the two suspects had the initials CW, a notary in Central Lombok and LB, the land owner.

"We have detained both of them at the NTB Police Detention Center", said Artanto, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 29.

He explained that CW and LB were arrested from the results of the investigation by the NTB Police Directorate General of Criminal Investigation.

"Both were arrested last week. Finally, LB was arrested in Jakarta when he was about to go abroad", he said.

Artanto said that currently, the handling of the case is in the second stage of preparation, namely the transfer of suspects and evidence to the public prosecutor.

"Shortly we will carry out phase two (submission of evidence and suspects)", he said.

In this case, he said, the two suspects were suspected of being affiliated with the victim from Jakarta. CW acts as a notary who also offers to purchase land in Central Lombok.

To the victims, CW offered the land belonging to LB and SR which was said to have been certified as property rights for IDR 13.5 billion.

The victim, who believed that there was no problem with the land, immediately sent money to CW through a bank account.

However, after being paid in full, he added, the victim could not control the land because it was still in the process of being pawned under the responsibility of the man with the initials HA.

Due to this problem, the victim demanded CW return the money. However, CW did not show good faith until in the end, the case went into legal proceedings.

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