TANGERANG - The Tangerang Regency Government (Pemkab) has officially closed three Holywings outlets in its area. Tail

"Today, a letter was sent to the managers of three Holywings in the Tangerang Regency area. (Closed) They are in Gading Serpong, BSD and Lippo Karawaci," said Ahmed Zaki Iskandar at the Regent's Hall, Tangerang City, Wednesday, June 29.

Zaki said the reason the three Holywings outlets in Tangerang Regency were closed was because they violated the Tangerang Regency Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 20 of 2004 concerning Public Order and Order.

"Where, in Article 2 Paragraph 1 (Tangerang Regency Regulation Number 20 of 2004), business units are prohibited from making a commotion or disturbance in the vicinity of their residence, place of business or other places and making anything that can disturb the order of the people and other people," he said

Based on this regulation, the Tangerang Regency Government is currently sending a letter to the managers of the three Holywings in Tangerang Regency.

"What they did last weekend greatly disrupted public and social order in the Tangerang Regency area as well," said Zaki.

VOI monitoring, at 11.02 WIB, at Holywings Lippo Karawaci there were no banners or sealing stickers at the venue.

The Hollywings logo, which was previously on the front of the building, is no longer visible. Only decorations from Holywings remain in the building.

In addition there are several security officers from holywings on guard. They are dressed in chocolate by wearing masks.

The lights in the room appear dark from the outside. It can be seen that there is no activity in the building.

Tanjung, one of the residents at the location, said that he still saw the Holywings logo last night, Tuesday, June 28. But he just found out that this time has been removed.

"Even though last night passed, there is still a logo on it," said Tanjung

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