MAKASSAR - Candidate for Mayor of Makassar candidate number 3, Syamsu Rizal (Deng Ical) emphasized his commitment to reforming the city, including bureaucratic matters. Together with the deputy mayoral candidate, Fadli Ananda, Deng Ical assured the matter of capacity, integrity and programs to advance Makassar.
"If we all want to fight together and win Deng Ical-Fadli Ananda, God willing, the Makassar City government in the future will be an arrogant government that serves and does not be bored," said Deng Ical during a socialization in Banta-Bantaeng Village, Rappocini, Makassar as quoted from a written statement, Saturday, October 31.
Deng Ical also conveyed the superiority of the government that would be built if elected in the Makassar Pilkada. The development pattern will be oriented towards community empowerment. In addition, Deng Ical also prepared another program in the form of a budget of IDR 153 billion which would be managed by the community.
"This budget will be available in the kelurahan which can be used or managed together with the community. For example, what is the need for development in the area, these funds can be used, ”he said.
Candidate candidate number 3, known as Dilan, said the use of the budget would later be through a mechanism of meetings and collective agreements. Management must also of course remain with accountability.
Dilan Supported by the Chairman of RW Minasa UpaSupport for Deng Ical-Fadli Ananda (Dilan) in the Makassar Pilkada was voiced by the Chairman of RW 9, Minsa Upa Village, Rappocini, Makassar.
"Without money, as RW, I will help Deng Ical, because he is my friend. So it is enough to say that he is pure and sincere," said Alam to the applause of the residents.
This was conveyed by Alam when Deng Ical campaigned in Minasa Upa, Friday, October 30. According to Alam, Deng Ical during his tenure as deputy mayor of Makassar was still easy to communicate with. The figure of Deng Ical called Nature is needed by the community.
"In the past there were candidates when the mauji was chosen, they just wanted to smile. But Deng Ical is not like that because he always smiled a lot," he said.

In addition, Deng Ical is said to have qualified experiences such as serving as a member of the DPRD as well as the Chairman of PMI Makassar.
"So I think he has been working in the community for a long time, so there is no need to doubt his experience. So why do you have to look for another one if someone has experience in government, so there is not much money going out, it is not clear where the forest is, "he said.
"Don't choose a leader who likes to lie," said Alam.
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