JAKARTA - Residents of Cilincing, North Jakarta, rushed out of their homes after finding out that a motorcycle thief was caught on Jalan Sarang Bango, Marunda. Residents are furious and want to judge AS (35) to just express their frustration, because in their area they often lose motorbikes.
The Head of the Reskirm of the Cilincing Police, Commissioner Adjutant of Police Alex Chandra, said that the US arrest took place on Monday, June 27, at 19.00 western Indonesia time.
Alex said, at that time the victim with the initials NS (43) parked his motorbike beside the house. The perpetrator who was passing at the location saw the two-wheeled vehicle not locked with the handlebars. Without thinking, the perpetrator brought a motorbike belonging to NS.
"He was pushing a motorbike. The action is known to the victim and the residents. The perpetrator was arrested while pushing a motorcycle," said Alex when confirmed, Tuesday, June 28.
The victim was chased by local residents. As a result, the perpetrator was arrested about 500 meters from the scene.
"It's a bit far, about 500 meters," he said.
Now the perpetrators have been handed over to the Cilincing Police. For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 362 of the Criminal Code with a threat of five years in prison.
"Article 362 because it is next to the house. Losses above IDR 2.5 million are threatened with 5 years," he concluded.
The US arrest was seen in an amateur video circulating on social media. AS in the video, his face looks panicked. He was stripped of his clothes and several times he was beaten by local residents.
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