MAMUJU - The West Sulawesi Regional Police together with the local National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in the period January to June 2022 succeeded in uncovering 173 cases of drug abuse. The methamphetamine type narcotics were successfully confiscated," said Head of Public Relations of the West Sulawesi Regional Police, Police Commissioner Syamsu Ridwan, at the commemoration of the International Anti Narcotics Day (HANI) 2022, Monday 27 June. Syamsu Ridwan said the figure was more than 50 percent of disclosures throughout 2021, which reached 223 cases with 407 suspects and 3235 grams of confiscated evidence of methamphetamine. better to save the next generation from the threat of drugs," explained Syamsu Ridw Meanwhile, the Head of the BNN for the Province of West Sulawesi, Brigadier General Sungkono, said that based on the data from the "United Nations Office On Drugs And Crime/UNODC" in the "World Drugs Report" in 2021, it is estimated that there are 269 million narcotics abusers in the world, which is equivalent to 5.4 percent of the population. "In West Sulawesi itself, the results of the survey data on the prevalence of drug abuse in 2021 do not show the prevalence rate in every province," said Sungkono, quoted by Antara.

"However, if the national prevalence increase is converted in each province, it can be concluded that the prevalence of drug abusers in West Sulawesi is 0.76 percent or 2,441 people," he added. "Or stakeholders to pay attention to this and request that the P4GN program run well." Eradication of narcotics is not only the responsibility of the police and BNN but all parties must have a strong commitment to efforts to prevent the Eradication of Narcotics Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (P4GN), "said Verdianto. The 2022 HANI commemoration which took place in the Marannu Hall of the West Sulawesi Regional Police was attended by all elements of the Forkopimda of the West Sulawesi Province.

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