JAKARTA - Social media activist Denny Siregar is furious with the invitation of NasDem Party politicians to no longer discuss the name of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan in the topic of polarization.

Lately, Anies' name has become a topic of discussion on social media. The former Minister of Education and Culture has been labeled the 'Father of Identity Politics' by many netizens.

Denny said the mention was based on what Anies had been doing so far, who had been arrested by the public. He emphasized that he would still remember Anies and his actions in division.

"It's really good.. It's made people split, in fact there are those who don't pray at all, and now ask to be forgotten??" said Denny on his Twitter account, @Dennysiregar7, Friday 24 June.

If the tweet contained Denny's anger as a result of responding to news that NasDem politicians persuaded him not to associate Anies with polarization, in a different tweet, President Jokowi's supporters showed a trending hashtag on Twitter.

The hashtag is the stamp of 'Father of Identity Politics' addressed by netizens to Anies.

Denny also admitted that he did not stop there. He said he would continue to remind the public about the figure of Anies in his eyes.

"Keep washing the title of the father of identity politics. We'll keep throwing the dirty clothes. The stains are stubborn," said Denny.

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