JAKARTA - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto asked the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) to make it easier for fishermen to go to sea in Natuna. Especially in the northern part of Natuna which is claimed by China.
According to the Special Staff of the Minister of Defense for Public Communication and Inter-Media Relations, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, this is necessary to increase economic activity in the region.
"The high economic activity in the area (Natuna especially the northern part) will make a declaration that de facto, it also belongs to us. It is a sovereign right," said Dahnil at the Ministry of Defense Office, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Thursday, 16 January.
He also explained that this kind of step was prioritized with the aim of maintaining diplomacy with China and resolving problems in the Natuna region.
"When what is violated is a sovereign right, for example, the steps that must be taken are different from when sovereignty is violated," said Dahnil, adding that military power could not be deployed in dealing with this matter.
"If the military approach is actually damaging diplomacy and Indonesia blames it. Therefore, Pak Prabowo is very careful because this is related to our long-term diplomacy," he added.
On that occasion, the former chairman of PP Muhammadiyah also said Prabowo had opened communication with the Chinese Minister of Defense. In a meeting, Dahnil said Prabowo asked that problems in the Natuna Sea area be resolved immediately.
"Mutual claims like this are not good, it means that China's claims are not good for our diplomatic relations," he said.
Dahnil emphasized that Prabowo regretted China claiming the Natuna Sea was theirs. Moreover, this claim emerged after Prabowo made a visit to the bamboo curtain country.

Budget allocation for Bakamla ships
In addition to explaining the reasons for the preferred way of diplomacy in solving problems in the Natuna Sea area, Dahnil also said Prabowo would immediately allocate funds for the purchase of ships by the Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla).
"Our coast guard is Bakamla," said Dahnil.
He also emphasized that he would encourage a commando at sea to curb the issue of sovereign rights in the Natuna sea area.
"For example, there is theft, then (action) is carried out by Bakamla. But if the sovereign right is the TNI, in this case the Navy," he said while explaining that currently Bakamla is in the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Indonesian Navy is in an area 12 miles from outside. coast to carry out routine patrols and conduct surveillance.
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