MEDAN - The price of red chili in North Sumatra is still expensive, or Rp. 90,000 - Rp. 100,000 per kg due to the continued tight supply. The Head of Domestic Trade at the North Sumatra Industry and Trade Office, Barita Sihite, said that the price of red chili was still expensive because supply remained tight. .Supplies are tight because the red chili harvest period has not yet arrived. All red chili production centers in North Sumatra are still in the new planting period. Meanwhile, supply from outside North Sumatra is also tight due to the end of the harvest period. "With tight supply, prices have increased," he said as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 22.

He said the need for red chili in North Sumatra was 13,297 tons per month. According to him, the price of red chili in June was the highest since January. "The North Sumatran Regional Inflation Controlling Team (TPID) continues to make various efforts to suppress the price of red chili," he said.

A red chili farmer in Deli Serdang, Yareli, said that the high price of red chili is expected to last until July or August. The red chili harvest period in North Sumatra is over and the new harvest will begin in July or August. Traders at the Padang Bulan Afternoon Market, Medan, J Sembiring, said that the demand for red chili was reduced due to the high price. Rising prices make consumers limit purchases.

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