YOGYAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi assessed that the Ecclesiastical Choir Party (Pesparawi) which is held every three years has made a major contribution to the development of inter-religious harmony in Indonesia. in showing love, nationalism, and developing harmonious life among religious people in Indonesia," said Zainut Tauhid when opening the XIII National Pesparawi at Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta, Monday, June 20 night. Hindus in Indonesia also at the same time show that there is no dividing wall between religious people. On the contrary, according to him, this way actually builds a bridge that connects religious people based on mutual respect and mutual respect. religious moderation because in Pesparawi barriers and dividing walls are set aside and replaced with brotherly ties," he said. Religious moderation, continued Zainut, is a big step in fostering tolerance in social life. This can be realized, namely inter-religious harmony, inter-religious harmony, and inter-religious harmony with the government," he said.

Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said that the choir is not just about the beauty of the two voices. Moreover, according to him, harmony and awareness are needed to complement each other in order to achieve their best performance. , namely 'sawiji greget, sengguh, ora micah'. This local wisdom was born from the thoughts of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I, who was also the founder of the Ngayogyakarta Sultanate," he said. radiate positive energy in the frame of sportsmanship and mutual appreciation." With the hope, so that the participants can get to know the cultural values and local wisdom of Yogyakarta. Hopefully, the participants will still have time to breathe the atmosphere of Yogyakarta with all its simplicity, amidst the friendly smiles of the people, treasures tourism, and the culture that surrounds it," said Ngarsa Dalem, who is called Sultan HB X.

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