JAKARTA - The Commercial Court at the Central Jakarta District Court granted a request for postponement of debt payment obligations (PKPU) filed by famous lawyer Otto Hasibuan against Joko Tjandra.

"Considering, whereas because the Respondent has acknowledged the existence of a debt even though the amount of debt according to the Respondent is not the same as that proposed by the Petitioner. thus the elements of the article regarding the existence of debt have been fulfilled, ”said the decision read by the Chairman of the Dulhusin Council at a hearing at the Central Jakarta District Court quoted from a written statement, Tuesday, October 27.

Case Number 310 / Pdt.Sus-PKPU / 2020 / PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst is said to comply with the provisions stipulated in Article 222 paragraph 1 (one) and 3 (three) Law Number 37 Year 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and Postponement of Payment Obligations. Debt.

Responding to the decision, Otto Hasibuan appointed his attorney from the ARP & Co. office. said the PKPU submission was made with a heavy heart because he had to sue his former client. However, in order to uphold the dignity of the profession and to protect the interests of advocates in general, this lawsuit was filed.

"So far, there is a view that advocates always harm their clients. In fact, this is not always the case. The proof is that in my case it is the client who harms advocates," said Otto.

Otto Hasibuan submitted a PKPU application, because Djoko Tjandra owed Otto Hasibuan a lawyer fee of 2.5 million US dollars. The debt was born from an agreement on the willingness of Otto Hasibuan, who was asked by Djoko Tjandra to become his attorney, but after Otto Hasibuan exercised his power, Djoko Tjandra did not fulfill his obligations.

After the PKPU request was granted, Djoko Tjandra was assigned a temporary PKPU condition for the next 45 days to settle his debt obligations to Otto Hasibuan.

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