JAKARTA - The police said that one of the sources of funding for the Khilafatul Muslimin organization came from its members. Because, there is a rule that requires you to donate IDR 1,000 per day.

"All of these residents, starting from the lowest level, are required to provide infaq sodaqoh per day of Rp. 1,000," said Director of General Crime Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Hengki Haryadi, to reporters, Thursday, June 16.

Based on the results of the preliminary examination, the number of members of this organization reached tens of thousands. Thus, the amount of money obtained from donations is quite large.

Then, funding is also obtained from schools owned by the organization. This is because parents are also required to make donations. "Students' education is free, so admission is free, but the guardians of the students will be obliged to provide infaq," he said.

Meanwhile, foreign sources of funding are still being explored. Hengki said, investigators have also coordinated with PPATK regarding this matter.

"Then it is possible that there will be funds from outside. This is still at the investigation stage and from the beginning we have coordinated with PPATK," said Hengki.

In this case, Polda Metro Jaya has arrested 6 suspects. First, Abdul Qadir Hasan Baraja as the supreme leader of the Muslim Khilafatul. He was arrested in Bandar Lampung.

Later, four more people were arrested. They had the initials AA, IN, F, and SW who were called important figures in the Khilafatul Muslimin group. Finally, the US was arrested in the Mojokerto area, on Monday, June 13. He is the organization's minister of education.

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