JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion emphasizes the importance of fostering children's souls starting from the family environment in order to minimize or prevent bullying.

"This is the duty of parents as the first madrasa for their children in mental, mental and character building. Instill a sense of piety to God and love for fellow human beings from an early age," said Secretary of the Directorate General of Islamic Guidance at the Ministry of Religion Fuad Nasar when contacted from Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, June 15.

Fuad's statement was in response to the bullying case that befell students at the State Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) of Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi, by a friend at his school.

Even as a result of bullying carried out by his friends, the victim died even though he had time to get medical treatment at the hospital.

Fuad said Islam teaches every child to be born in a state of fitrah (holy and clean). Therefore, parents and the environment have a role in giving style and color to the development of the soul and personality of a child to adulthood.

"Cultivating the human spirit and fortifying children from violent behavior is the biggest investment in the future of humanity," he said.

According to him, religion is not enough just to be known and understood as a mere science or ritual pattern. But as a filler and director of the human soul to become a good person and have a noble character.

"Religious messages are expected to soothe the souls of people who are sick, restless, and restless due to various factors and change the condition of humans and society for the better or better," he said.

Previously, the Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Bintang Puspayoga, hoped that the handling of cases of bullying at MTs students that resulted in death in North Sulawesi could provide justice for the victims.

He reminded that the education unit is an environment that should be friendly to children, protect children, be inclusive and comfortable for children's physical, cognitive and psychosocial development.

Education unit managers must ensure that schools are free from acts of violence and discrimination in any form.

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