JATENG - The Central Java (Central Java) Provincial Government is ready to eradicate extreme poverty by 2024 in accordance with the targets set by the central government by accelerating and intervening in its handling.

Deputy Governor (Vice Governor) of Central Java Taj Yasin Maimoen said poverty alleviation in Central Java went through a number of stages.

"In the first phase of 2021, in Central Java there are five regencies, Banyumas, Cilacap, Pemalang, Banjarnegara, and Purbalingga which are priorities. Because this program is going well, in 2022 the central government will expand to 19 districts/cities. This is interesting, because we can cooperate together to immediately eliminate extreme poverty according to the central government's target,” said the Deputy Governor in Semarang, Central Java, Thursday, June 16.

The Deputy Governor revealed that a number of interventions were carried out to implement the target of eliminating extreme poverty in Central Java with program funding from the APBD and non-APBD.

In the five districts that became pilot projects, the Deputy Governor continued, handling had been carried out by meeting basic needs such as decent houses, latrines and meeting electricity needs.

In this regard, the Central Java Provincial Government continues to synchronize the central government's programs with programs that have been running in Central Java.

"We continue to synchronize programs with what we have. So what has been mandated by the center, we will immediately follow up, we will modify it, so that poverty alleviation in Central Java can be accelerated," he said.

The synchronization of the program has produced results because based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in September 2021 the percentage of poor people in Central Java was recorded at 11.25 percent, or decreased by 0.54 percentage points compared to March 2021 which recorded 11.79 percent. .

"In September 2021, the number of poor people in Central Java will decrease by 175.74 thousand people. So we are moving together to achieve these targets," he said.

The Deputy Governor added that his party is also cooperating with the private sector through their respective corporate social responsibility programs, including Baznas as an effort to accelerate the elimination of extreme poverty.

"If the APBD alone is likely to be difficult, that's why we are also cooperating with the private sector with CSR and this has been going on for quite a while in Central Java, we just need to optimize it again," he said.

According to the Deputy Governor, one of the poverty alleviation programs that continues to be massive is the One OPD One Assisted Village Program.

Even the Central Java Provincial Government, said Gus Yasin as the Deputy Governor is familiarly called, has asked the district/city governments to replicate the program so that poverty can be immediately resolved.

"We will further intensify efforts to reduce poverty. We hope this can be replicated and maximized again," he said.

The central government has designated 212 districts/cities in 25 provinces as priority areas for accelerating the elimination of extreme poverty by 2022.

This is stated in the Circular Letter of the Ministry of State Secretariat, Number: B-38/KSN/SWP/KK.04.01/02/2022. The letter stated that the selected area was a pilot project of the central government to accelerate the elimination of extreme poverty in Indonesia.

The selection of priority areas is carried out by the central government, including the number of areas where the intervention to eradicate extreme poverty will be carried out in each province.

As in Central Java, this year there are 19 priority regencies/cities. For the West Java region, there are 17 regencies/cities, while as many as 25 regencies/cities in East Java are also included in priority areas.

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