JABAR - The Cianjur Regency Government has stated that sacrificial animals without a health certificate from the relevant agency in the area of origin are prohibited from entering their territory. Animals that have entered are also re-examined at the animal market.

The regent of Cianjur, Herman Suherman, said that he had instructed the livestock service to carry out prevention, supervision and rapid treatment since mouth and nail disease (PMK) was discovered in Indonesia.

"In fact, we coordinate with related parties, including the police, to supervise the distribution of livestock, especially from outside the city, to prevent healthy livestock from contracting FMD, especially from outside the city," he said in Cianjur, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 15.

Meanwhile, to cover the needs of animals during the sacrificial festival so far, he said, Cianjur relies on supplies from outside the city, so it will allow livestock from outside to enter Cianjur, to meet the needs ahead of the holiday.

However, his party asked traders to sell livestock only in the animal market with a record that they are in good health accompanied by a certificate from the area of origin and get a re-examination from a veterinarian at the Cianjur Animal Market.

"We also ask residents to be observant when buying livestock, which are definitely from the animal market so that their health is guaranteed. Even though the meat of livestock infected with FMD is not dangerous when consumed, I ask that the animals sold are guaranteed health," said Herman.

He added that since it was found dozens of livestock infected with FMD in Cianjur, his party asked the livestock service to carry out strict supervision and the manager to stop all activities including buying and selling until the affected livestock were declared cured.

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