KUPANG - Criminal investigators from the Kupang Police, the East Nusa Tenggara Police, have detained two housewives who participated in the gang rape of Anselmus Nalle, a teacher at SD Negeri Oelbeba, Fatuleu District, Kupang Regency.

"We have named the two perpetrators as suspects after investigators pocketed two pieces of evidence. Both were immediately detained by Kupang Police investigators," said Kupang Police Chief AKBP FX Irwan Arianto when contacted in Kupang, Antara, Monday, June 13.

One of the two detained housewives, EM, is the wife of the principal of SDN Oelbeba, Alexander Nitti, and JM also has family relations with the principal.

The detention of the wife of the Head of SDN Oelbeba is the result of an investigation carried out by the Kupang Police Criminal Investigation Unit. Apart from the two women, GT and OL were also detained, both former students of Anselm Nalle.

"We have detained the four perpetrators at the Kupang Police," said FX Police Chief Irwan Arianto

He explained that with the arrest of the four perpetrators, six people have been detained by investigators in the case of alleged joint violence against Anselmus Nalle.

According to the Head of Police, Kupang Police investigators have also secured several pieces of evidence, namely a stone used by suspect EM to throw the victim, a stick of wood, and a cellphone used to record the incident.

"In the video recording, it is clear the role of each suspect. So we just have to do other developments because there are still several potential suspects," he said.

The suspects will be charged with Article 170 paragraph (1) subsidiary Article 351 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 5 years in prison.

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