JAKARTA - The police confirmed that a cleaning service named Joko Prihatin was not involved in the fire case at the Attorney General's Office building. The Rp100 million balance in his account is called personal savings.

Brigadier General Ferdy Sambo, director of the Directorate of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri, said that Joko's hundreds of millions of money were not the result of a crime. According to him, the money was collected over a long period of time.

"We checked in depth. Open the account, we check. It turns out that the result, the total amount that many, is going through a long process," said Ferdy to reporters, Friday, October 23.

Based on tracing on two accounts belonging to Joko, the nominal money has been collected since 2018. Joko is certainly not involved in the AGO building fire case.

"So that there are no suspicious things," he said.

Meanwhile in determining the suspect in the AGO building fire, investigators are also carrying out reconstruction to find out what everyone was doing on the 6th floor before the fire started. The results were conical to the five construction workers.

"All 85 people at the TKP will be presented on the day of the incident. We will present them together with Puslabfor," he said.

"All occupy the positions they had at the time of the incident. We will do pre-reconstruction to find out what you are doing, what you are doing," he continued.

Information about Joko Prihatin's account containing Rp100 million emerged during a working meeting between the DPR and the Attorney General's Office on Thursday, September 24.

DPR Commission III member Arteria Dahlan asked the Attorney General ST Burhanuddin regarding the accuracy of the information. Because in addition to receiving assistance, the witness also had hundreds of millions of rupiah in his account.

"Is it true that the money account checks for over one hundred million is a cleaning service. Is it true that he was examined accompanied by his former JAM subordinates," said Arteria.

In a virtual meeting, Fadil said, the cleaning service witness was examined several times with a lie detector machine to reveal what was actually known and done.

"Regarding other roles, if there are any later, we will not cover up. We will dismantle whoever the perpetrators are, both internally and the contractors involved here," said Fadil.

However, Fadil's answer did not satisfy Arteria. The PDIP politician then searched for Fadil regarding the hundreds of millions of rupiah banknotes and access to the sixth floor of the Main Office of the Attorney General's Office, which was known to be the floor of the fire.

Responding to this, Fadil only explained that the cleaning service does have access to the sixth floor, even though it is on the lower floor. He added that investigators are still looking into why they have access and also money with a large enough value.

"There is access to the sixth floor. During the investigation process, it was reported to the prosecutor whom I appointed but this is in the process of investigating," said Fadil.

"We will understand what money is and where it will come from, because yesterday the investigation process was not yet pro justitia. When this investigation we asked the investigators to reveal where the money came from," he added.

In this case, Bareskrim Polri named eight suspects. Five of them are construction workers.

The five construction workers have the initials T, H, S, K, and IS. They were named suspects for violating the no smoking rule in the personnel bureau hall.

While the other three namely, UAM as the foreman, R who is the Director of PT ARM and the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Attorney General's Office, NH.

The determination of the suspect against UAM was reasoned because they did not supervise the five craftsmen while they were working. Meanwhile, R and NH were named suspects for making an agreement to use a dust cleaner cleaning fluid which is said to accelerate the combustion process.

The suspects were charged under Article 188 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 and Article 56 of the Criminal Code with the threat of 5 years in prison.

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