SURABAYA - Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa said that there are 22 areas in East Java that have high potential for disasters such as river overflow floods, tidal floods, tornadoes, and landslides. The area must prepare disaster preparedness ahead of the rainy season in November 2020 to March 2021.

"So, we are still waiting for the results of the East Java BMKG coordination meeting to be able to provide a more detailed map of these 22 regencies / cities in order to make preparedness," said Khofifah, Friday, October 23.

Areas that have the potential to be hit by floods due to overflowing rivers include Bojonegoro, Magetan, Madiun, Lamongan, Gresik, Ngawi, and Tuban which are on the banks of the Bengawan Solo river.

Then, the areas with the potential for flooding due to the overflowing of the Brantas river include Malang Raya, Kediri, Jombang, Mojokerto, Sidoarjo, Probolinggo, Surabaya, Bondowoso, Lumajang, Banyuwangi, and Jember.

In Pasuruan, flooding has the potential to result from the overflowing of the Welang river. Meanwhile, in the Madura Islands, there is Sampang which has the potential to be affected by the overflow of the Kemuning River. Meanwhile, landslides have the potential to hit mountainous and hilly areas such as Jombang, Ponorogo, Kediri, Banyuwangi, Jember, Lumajang, Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Malang, Batu, and Pacitan.

Khofifah asked related parties in the 22 regions to be alert and ready for potential disasters. Especially entering the rainy season and the threat of other storms. However, Khofifah still asked the public to remain calm and not panic.

"After the Coordination Meeting we have a breakdown with the regents / mayors in the 22 regions, then we will simultaneously hold a rally. So we are taking precautions. But I beg everyone to remain calm and not panic," said Khofifah.

Khofifah conveyed the importance of coordination with local governments, so that information related to potential disasters can reach the community. He gave an example of the BMKG's prediction regarding the possibility of high waves reaching 3.5 meters this week. According to him, it is important for fishermen to be more vigilant.

"BMKG predicts in these weeks there will be waves of 3.5 meters, for example. Then the fishermen must be confirmed so that they remain safe. Or in certain conditions oh this is extreme weather, while not going to sea for two or three days and so on," said Khofifah.

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