JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Religion (Wamenag) Zainut Tauhid stated, Khilafatul Muslimin is not registered as a social organization at the Ministry of Religion. Khilafatul Muslims are also not registered in educational, da'wah and other socio-religious institutions.

"As a social organization, Khilafatul Muslimin is not registered with the Ministry of Religion, as well as an educational, da'wah and socio-religious institution that is not registered with the Ministry of Religion," said Zainut Tauhid in his statement, Thursday, June 9.

The Deputy Chief of the PPP DPP also appreciated the steps taken by the Police to arrest the leader of the Muslim Khilafatul, Abdul Qadir Hasan Baraja on Tuesday, June 7, morning. Zainut believes the police have sufficient evidence to make arrests and detentions.

"I hope that the police will immediately develop an intensive investigation and investigation process to reveal the motives and patterns of his movements as well as trace the organizational networks and sources of funds. So that they can be immediately followed up in accordance with applicable legal provisions," he said.

According to Zainut, the Khilafatul Muslimin is a religious movement that is persistent in propagating and campaigning for the caliphate system in Indonesia. The organization also, according to him, intends to replace the concept of the Pancasila state and the Unitary Republic of Indonesia which has become the nation's agreement.

"So the movement must be acted upon immediately because it can threaten the safety of the country," he said.

Furthermore, Zainut explained the concept of a caliphate promoted by groups such as ISIS, HTI and the Khilafatul Muslimin group. According to him, the concept clearly contradicts the concept of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

In fact, said Zainut, it is feared that the concept will cause clashes between groups in Indonesia and threaten the survival of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as a result of the national consensus of the founders of the Indonesian nation.

"The proponents of the Khilafah concept tend to be puritanical, feel self-righteous and blame others, so that it has the potential to disrupt and even damage harmony between fellow citizens of the nation," he explained.

Therefore, the Deputy Wantim of the Central MUI then appealed to the entire community not to be easily influenced by propaganda and caliphate campaigns by any group.

"Believe me that the concept of the Pancasila state is the final form of the results of the ijtihad of the scholars which is most appropriate and in accordance with the plural, diverse and diverse Indonesian nation, both ethnicity, race, culture, language and religion," he concluded.

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