SURABAYA - The team from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the East Java Police searched the Khilafatul Muslimin office in the Jalan Gadel Madya area, Tandes, Surabaya. Apart from confiscating some evidence, the police will also examine the administrators of the Khilafatul Muslimin.

"There are several documents and letters that we confiscated, such as letters and documents," said Head of Sub-Directorate I Kamneg Ditreskrimum East Java Police, AKBP Achmad Taufiqurrahman, confirmed, Wednesday, June 8.

Taufiq emphasized that the search and seizure was part of the investigation process carried out by the police. "Furthermore, all of the items in the form of evidence documents will be brought to the office for analysis," he said.

Investigators, said Taufiqurrahman, will also take statements from a number of witnesses. Well, the plan is that the administrators and followers of the Khilafatul Muslimin in Surabaya will be investigated. He ensured that he was only examined as a reported witness.

"Nothing has been secured. On Thursday, 12 to 15 people from the reported parties will be questioned," he said.

Although the summons has been issued, the police have not been able to confirm the presence of the witnesses reported to be summoned. What is clear, of the 16 people who were called only 12 who confirmed they would fulfill the call.

"We don't know their presence yet. We will conduct a marathon inspection. If the call yesterday was 16, but the information I received earlier, probably 12 were present," he said.

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