JAKARTA - The Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Center (BB TNBTS) provided an explanation regarding the tariff for taking photos or videos in the Mount Bromo tourist area, in East Java.
Head of Sub-Section Data, Evaluation and Public Relations of BB TNBTS, Sarif Hidayat, said that the rate for taking pictures was determined in accordance with Government Regulation (PP) No. 12 of 2014.
"Yes, it's true (according to PP No. 12/2014)," said Sarif when confirmed, Wednesday, June 8, quoted from Antara.
For information, based on Government Regulation Number 12 of 2014 concerning Types and Tariffs of Non-Tax State Revenues applicable to the Ministry of Forestry, there are a number of tariffs set for taking pictures in national park areas.
In the regulation, it is stated that the type of PNPB for commercial film snapshots in the national park area is set at Rp. 10 million per package, the use of handycams is Rp. 1 million per package and photos of Rp. 250 thousand per package.
"The levy for natural tourism activities in TNBTS has been applied since the enactment of PP No. 12 of 2014 and is deposited into the state treasury as PNBP in accordance with the provisions of the law," he said.
Previously circulating on a social media account on Instagram showing proof of payment for taking photos in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area which was charged a fee of Rp. 1 million.
The upload received a number of responses from the public because it was considered too expensive and questioned the basis for setting the tariff.
Sarif explained that on June 3, 2022, the National TNBTS Center staff found that there was a snapshot film activity in the Bromo Sand Sea area by approximately 20 people. With this activity, the officer explained the existence of levies in accordance with the provisions.
"Officers believe that apart from photography, they also take videos aimed at making vlogs or publications for commercial purposes," he said.
The levy of Rp. 1 million, which includes PNBP, has been deposited by the treasurer to the state treasury.
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