JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) in a Budget Working Meeting together with Commission I of the DPR said that it had obtained an indicative budget ceiling value of Rp. 18.4 trillion for 2023.

"In accordance with a joint letter from the Ministry of Finance and the Head of Bapennas number s353/mk.02/2022 and B.301/M.PPN/D.8/PP.04.02.04/2022 dated April 18, 2022. The Ministry of Communications and Informatics' indicative ceiling for 2023 is Rp. 18.4 trillion," said Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G. Plate at the Working Meeting of Commission I of the DPR RI and the Ministry of Communications and Informatics which took place in a hybrid manner from the DPR, Wednesday, June 8, quoted from Antara.

With the condition of the indicative budget ceiling which has a difference of Rp3.23 trillion from the previous year's ceiling, Johnny said his party will seek solutions in the form of multi-year or multiple policies so that the planned development can continue.

For 2023, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics will continue the program that runs from 2021-2022 and consists of five strategic programs.

The five strategic programs were prepared following the directions of President Joko Widodo with a focus on digital transformation.

The indicative budget ceiling of Rp. 18.3 trillion has been divided to meet the needs of the five programs with a portion of the budget of which Rp. 12.7 trillion is for the provision of Technology, Information and Communication (ICT) infrastructure, followed by a budget for the use of ICT of Rp. 2.5. trillion, then there is also a budget of Rp 1.2 trillion for the management of the frequency spectrum, device standards, and public services.

"This frequency budget includes the construction of testing centers for digital devices," said Johnny, giving details for the spectrum management budget.

The fourth budget is prepared for public communication of IDR 295 billion, with details of the funds still under review because in 2023 there will be many political activities such as chairing the ASEAN forum so that other financing may be sought to meet this need.

And the last budget was prepared for management support at the Ministry of Communication and Information of Rp. 1.5 trillion, according to Johnny, the value was flat and did not change.

Meanwhile, independent institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics or quasi-public such as the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), the Central Information Commission (KIP), and the Press Council (DP) received funding of Rp. 144.5 billion for 2023.

The budget is divided for KPI of Rp. 60 billion, for KIP of Rp. 40 billion, and the rest for the Press Council of Rp. 44.5 billion.

The entire budget has been discussed together with the Ministry of National Development Planning Agency (Bapennas) in a forum called Trilateral.

Later the Ministry of Communications and Informatics together with its quasi-public will work under the big theme of the Government Work Plan (RKP) 2023 determined by Bapennas, namely "Increasing Productivity for Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation".

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