MEDAN - The Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi was angry with the anarchic attack on the Medan COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Binjai and Deliserdang. This case was handed over to the police.

"Currently it has been handed over to the police. The police are currently investigating, "said Governor Edy, Thursday, October 22.

"You know all, we are currently taking action against those who do not comply with health protocols," he continued.

Edy emphasized that the health protocol raid was carried out based on a Presidential Instruction, Pergub as well as Mayor regulations. This rule regulates sanctions against violators of health protocols.

"The people must be disciplined, in this difficult condition, of course at night they still do like that. North Sumatra does not PSBB, it does not mean that it continues arbitrarily. Obviously closed, without permission from that place," said Edy.

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The attack occurred when the COVID-19 Task Force carried out raids on health protocols at a suspected gambling location in the BTC Jalan Veteran complex, Deliserdang.

As a result of the attack, the COVID-19 Task Force car was damaged and 2 Satpol-PP members were injured as a result of being hit by stones.

"These people who are being prosecuted to obey the health program are even fighting against the officers, that's a criminal, this is being submitted to the police," said Edy.

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