JAKARTA - Social media activist Chusnul Chotimah compared the handling of the two local governments in cracking down on activities related to the caliphate and indications of the re-emergence of social organizations (ormas) that oppose Pancasila.

According to Chusnul, the action against forbidden ideologies and mass organizations is stricter in the area of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo. For example, when a convoy from the Khilafatul Muslimin group carried the call for 'Awakening the Caliphate' in Brebes recently.

"In Brebes there is a convoy for the revival of the caliphate, Governor Ganjar immediately contacted the intelligence," Chusnul said on his Twitter account, @ChusnulCh__, Tuesday, June 7.

He said Ganjar immediately warned law enforcement officials and local governments to act decisively. As a result of the investigation of the 'Khilafah Awakening' convoy in Brebes, the police have identified him as a suspect.

The three suspects face a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. Each was accused of attempted treason through caliphate campaigns and fake news.

"Apparatus and local government should not hesitate to take action against things that are contrary to Pancasila," said Chusnul.

It was different, said Chusnul, when the masses on behalf of the Reborn Islamic Brotherhood Front (FPI) held an action at the Horse Statue area, Jakarta yesterday. The action was also widely documented by the public and shared on social media.

The FPI Reborn mass wore white clothes and many wore turbans. In the banner that was unfurled during the action, FPI Reborn declared itself to support DKI Governor Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate.

According to Chusnul, they also carried flags with the words FPI and HTI, two banned mass organizations in the era of President Jokowi's administration.

Although there were a number of violations because the symbols of mass organizations against Pancasila were brought into the action, Chusnul said Anies had not yet given firm instructions regarding the FPI Reborn action.

Therefore, Chusnul concluded that the handling in Central Java and Jakarta against the caliphate and prohibited mass organizations was different. "In DKI there are those who claim that the reborn FPI took action on the road carrying the FPI and HTI flags, the governor just kept quiet. Different classes," said Chusnul.

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