JAKARTA - There are still many car users who do not know about the odd-even expansion at 13 road points in DKI Jakarta. However, the police officers guarding the road only gave warnings, they had not issued a ticket.

The Head of Sub-Directorate for Traffic at the Gambir Metro Police, Iptu Robinson Siagian, stated that today his party still found vehicles caught in the odd-even area.

"On Jalan Balikpapan, 35 vehicles were found violating the gage area. There are also many vehicles from outside the city," he told reporters, Monday, June 6.

The police are currently only giving warnings and have not taken any action.

"We have not taken action today," he said.

Regarding this odd-even expansion, a car driver named Bachtiar (40) supports the government's program regarding the implementation of the policy. However, he admitted that he only knew about the expansion.

"I agree that there is an expansion of the gage, this is also to reduce congestion. But what is unfortunate is the lack of socialization by officers," he said.

Rudi also said the same complaint. Rudi only knew of the addition of odd-even lanes, but did not know where they were located.

"I already know the information from the news. But if we only have one car, what will happen, it will be a hassle for us," he said.

The expansion of the 13 odd-even policy road points also has another effect for four-wheeled vehicle drivers. It is hoped that four-wheelers can switch to using public transportation in order to reduce the impact of congestion.

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