JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto revealed that the geopolitical thoughts of the First President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno based on Pancasila influenced the national interest.

This was conveyed by him during a doctoral promotion session at the Defense University (Unhan) Sentul Bogor, West Java, Monday, June 6.

Initially, Hasto explained that Asia Pacific was the center of geopolitical battles according to the description of President Soekarno or Bung Karno in 1930. Thus, his thoughts with the ideology of Pancasila became the basis for realizing national interests through foreign diplomacy and defense for the realization of a new world order.

One of the implementations of Pancasila-based geopolitical thinking, continued Hasto, was during the process of liberating West Irian.

"The liberation of West Irian was desperately fought for by Soekarno as Indonesia's national interest. He emphasized that 'even if he borrows the devil's hand, I don't care that the origin of West Irian can return to the lap of Indonesia'," said Hasto when presenting his dissertation entitled 'Discourse on Geopolitical Thoughts' Soekarno and Its Relevance to National Defense'.

In addition, the influence of Bung Karno's geopolitical thought was also seen when Indonesia was involved in global politics; strategic cooperative alliances; defense diplomacy which leads to the improvement of Indonesia's defense posture. Cycles occur for the benefit of Trikora and Dwikora operations

Next, Soekarno's geopolitics also manifested the legitimacy of Indonesia's leadership through the Asian-African Conference (KAA), which became the successful implementation of the Djuanda Declaration. As a result, Indonesia's territory increased 2.5 times without going through war.

Meanwhile, internationally, Soekarno's influence can be seen from his pioneering work in the KAA and the Non-Aligned Movement. In the midst of the cold war, Hasto said, the world is no longer divided into two blocks.

"The world constellation has changed to become multi-polar, and the structure of the UN Security Council has changed," he said as quoted from his written statement.

In addition to the above influences, Soekarno's geopolitics also contributed to the independence of countries such as in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan. "On the basis of this role, President Soekarno was awarded the title of Warrior and Hero of the Independence of the Islamic Nation," he said.

Hasto's dissertation work is accounted for in front of the examiners and invited guests in the Red and White Hall, IDU Campus. One of those who will test is the Chairperson of the PDIP who is also the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri.

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