JAKARTA - The weather in Medina is entering summer, daytime temperatures can penetrate 43-46 degrees Celsius. With such high temperatures, the courtyard of the Prophet's mosque also became hot. If the pilgrims passed without using footwear, the hot courtyard could cause us to scald.

The Head of the Medina Working Area (Daker) Amin Handoyo appealed to the congregation to continue to use footwear when in the courtyard of the Prophet's Mosque. The use of footwear is very important to prevent the skin of the feet from scalding due to the heat of the floor.

"Sandals must be worn, they will be opened at the door of the mosque," said Amin Handoyo, in Medina, Saudi, quoted from the ministry's official website, Monday, June 6.

When they want to enter the mosque, the congregation can store their sandals in the plastic they carry. Then, sandals can be placed on the side of the congregation during prayer. Alternatively, sandals can also be included or tied in a carry bag.

"So just open it in front of the mosque entrance, then finish praying as soon as you go out and use it directly," he said.

The Hajj officer at the Main Post of the Prophet's Mosque, Siti Isnaini, said that the problem of missing sandals was one of the complaints that the congregation conveyed during their activities at the Prophet's Mosque. Not infrequently this is because they forget the initial position of putting or storing their sandals.

"Even though sometimes he forgets to put his sandals. Maybe which door he entered, then he put his sandals in the locker. After praying, he forgot where he put his sandals and forgot which door he entered," said Siti Isnaini.

Siti strongly discourages Hajj pilgrims from returning to the hotel barefoot. The heat of the road traversed, of course, endanger the feet.

Head of Section for the Protection of Hajj Pilgrims (Linjam), Harun Al Rasyid, said that there were five PPIH officer posts scattered in the Prophet's Mosque complex. Five posts are filled with loan and health officers.

Four posts are located at the gates, such as the main post at door 332, door 328 at post two, door 306 for third post, door 358 post, and post Raudhah.

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