JAKARTA - The words of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri who are worried about the future of Indonesia if she is no longer in the spotlight.

Political communication observer at the University of Indonesia, Jamiluddin Ritonga, believes that Megawati Soekarnoputri need not worry about the state of Indonesia if she is not around. According to him, Indonesia will remain fine.

"There is no doubt that Indonesia's young generation will continue the leadership relay. They will be responsible for accepting the relay. They will use a different leadership style from the current one, including Megawati's leadership style when she was president," said Jamiluddin in Jakarta, Sunday, 5 June.

"So, Megawati just sits back and lets the younger generation be creative. The way they lead doesn't have to be the same as what she has done," he continued.

According to Jamiluddin, Megawati should have been nervous about the PDI-P's condition if she wasn't there. He said Megawati had to think about this so that the PDIP would remain intact and in harmony without her being in the PDIP.

"With the way they lead, Indonesia has the opportunity to be better. Indonesia will be more democratic in all fields. Therefore, Megawati's energy is better focused on smoothing regeneration in PDIP. If this is successful, then PDIP will be fine if she leaves ," he said.

If the PDIP is okay, added Jamiluddin, Indonesia will also become a modern country faster. Because as a major party, PDIP will contribute to the good and bad of Indonesia in the future.

"So, Megawati's main responsibility is to ensure that the PDIP is okay when she left. Megawati doesn't need to think about Indonesia without her. The younger generation is ready at any time to continue the leadership relay in Indonesia," he said.

Previously, the Chair of the Steering Committee of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri expressed concern over the condition of the Indonesian nation today which she considered too comfortable in her comfort zone.

This was revealed by Megawati when conveying her reflection on her nationality at the commemoration of the Birthday of Pancasila. The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia was the keynote speaker at the National Seminar of the Rector's Forum for Strengthening the Nation's Character (FRPKB) in order to virtually commemorate the Birthday of Pancasila June 1, 2022, Wednesday, June 1.

At first, Megawati spoke about her admiration for Eastern culture and her reluctance to follow Western trends.

"It's time for us to follow him to the West first, you know, in terms of art culture, the East is extraordinary, you know," said Megawati.

The general chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) then touched on the big countries. He said the country was not inhabited by the original nation.

"The so-called Americans are Native Americans, aren't they. They are British criminals who were exiled there. In Australia, it's the same, isn't it Aboriginal. New Zealand. Do you want us to do that? If I don't let my parents do it," he said.

Megawati then said that she had conveyed her concerns to the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto. At that time he was worried about the condition of RI.

"Try it, don't feel it, I told my Secretary General, how come my people are already too comfortable with their comfort zone, you know, I'm already worried, you know. Later, if I'm not around, what's going on," said Megawati.

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