MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution invited interfaith leaders to maintain and implement inter-religious harmony so that the local area becomes a tolerant city in the country. "If we can implement all of that, God willing, the city of Medan will maintain harmony. "The reward is not only in this world, but also in the hereafter," he said in Medan as reported by Antara, Friday, June 3. Bobby Nasution made this statement after opening an activity to foster harmony between interfaith leaders at the village, sub-district and city levels at the Garuda Plaza Hotel Medan, Medan City. This activity was held in the context of socializing the Mayor's Regulation (Perwal) No. 28/2021 concerning guidelines for structuring religious life and the forum for religious harmony (FKUB) in Medan City. , then harmony in the city of Medan can be maintained, and the capital city of North Sumatra Province can be a reflection of a tolerant city. Bobby Nasution also explained the meaning of interpersonal harmony is someone who is religious to maintain harmony among others, harmony between religious believers maintains harmony with followers of other religions. religious communities and the government means that there is no government intention to divide religious communities. The government needs all communities to support the realization of government programs," he explained.

Walkot Medan also emphasized that the essence of harmony is not just getting a predicate or award, but must really be realized as a tolerant city.

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