MAKASSAR - The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) of South Sulawesi continues and expands the search for victims of KM Ladang Pertiwi 2 which sank in the waters of the Makassar Strait, following the issuance of a permit to extend search and rescue operations for the next three days.

"Today, we together with the Kapolda, the Governor, Polairud and all of their defense equipment were mobilized. Today we are carrying out a search 40 NM (Nautical Mile) from the location," said Head of Basarnas Sulsel, Djunaidi, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 3.

From the results of air monitoring during the search for victims, he said, there were no signs of new victims being found, nor was the defense equipment that carried out the search around the location where the wooden ship sank.

"Still nothing, and of course marine equipment is still looking for it until nightfall, and we release it. We will extend it for the next three days, because there are still many victims who have not been found. There are still 16 people and we are trying our best for SAR operations until the third day to the next day. front," he said.

He also thanked related parties such as the National Police, Polda, Bakamla, TNI, and all parties who sent personnel to help search for, rescue and help the victims who have now been found 34 people.

In detail, 31 people survived, three people died, and 16 people are still wanted out of a total of 50 passengers on board.

The South Sulawesi Regional Police Chief Inspector General Nana Sudjana said that for the search for victims of the marine accident, his party had coordinated with Basarnas, the regional government and the TNI regarding the extension of the search for SAR operations for the next three days.

"We from the police fully support it, and we have reported it to the leadership at the National Police Headquarters. Regarding helicopter assistance, we will add ships from Police Headquarters for the next three days," he said.

The police chief said that three dead victims had been found, one person had been identified and two had not been identified. The two victims are currently undergoing Post Mortem by the South Sulawesi Police DVI team at Bhayangkara Hospital Makassar.

"Currently the team is carrying out the identification process of the two victims. And we are an integrated team with Forkopimda in Pangkep, fishermen and several communities continue to search where previously there were 16 victims who had not been found," said Nana.

The Kapolda appealed to the island community who were there, around the location of the sinking of the wooden ship, considering that there were many islands around it, when they find or are found survivors, immediately report to Basarnas, the National Police, the TNI or the local government.

Based on the defense equipment data used for the search, namely, KN SAR Kamajaya, KP Belibis, KNP 350, KRI Hasanuddin, KRI Mandau, KRI Pulau Rupat, KRI Malahayati, Pesud U 6207, KN Sea Lion (Bakamla), KN Sea Horse (Bakamla) Heli Super Puma H 3211, Bell 429 Police Helicopter, KKP ATR, Bunga Melati KLM, Wahyu Divine KM, Sabuk Nusantara 2, Ladang Pertiwi 04 and fishing boats.

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