JAKARTA - Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian has never asked to abolish or even prohibit the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday on the upcoming long holiday as reported by several media recently.

The Director General of Regional Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Safrizal ZA, in a written statement in Jakarta, Wednesday, said that the Ministry of Home Affairs regretted the false news because it did not reflect the message conveyed at a press conference after a limited meeting at the State Palace, Monday, October 19, 2020, which was the source of the news. .

"At the Minister of Home Affairs press conference with the Coordinating Minister for PMK and the Minister of Health, the Minister of Home Affairs conveyed an appeal that during the long holiday, the public should not visit places that cause crowds, such as tourist attractions, instead of prohibiting the celebration of the Prophet's birthday," said Safrizal.

Tito conveyed the appeal, said Safrizal, reflecting on the experience on previous holidays that caused high community mobility from one place to another.

"This movement can lead to a medium of transmission. Therefore, it is necessary to watch out together so that this holiday does not become a transmission medium," said Saafrizal, quoting Tito's statement.

Furthermore, related to the tradition of commemorating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, according to Safrizal, tracing the video footage of the press conference shows Tito never issued a prohibition statement.

At the press conference, continued Safrizal, Tito said he respected the traditions that existed in society.

However, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, Tito requested that activities related to long holidays, including activities related to tradition and culture, be carried out with due regard to crowd restrictions.

For this reason, Tito asked Forkompinda in the regions to establish serious communication with stakeholders, in order to seek efforts to avoid a massive crowd.

Among the alternative solutions offered are restrictions on visitors to tourist attractions so that they do not exceed 50 percent capacity.

Furthermore, Safrizal emphasized that Tito's main message at the press conference was to ask the regional heads and the regional leadership coordination forum (Forkompinda) to move quickly in activating the mechanisms for handling their respective regions in preventing COVID-19 according to local wisdom.

Thus, community programs at the grassroots level, such as the resilient village and kelurahan programs, can be mobilized so that people adhere to health protocols and avoid traveling outside the city if there is no urgent need.

In addition, he urged that in commemorating the Prophet's birthday, he should pay attention to health protocols, wear a mask, keep a distance so that it does not cause transmission.

Tito also asked that because the BMKG predicted would face a potential hydrometeorological disaster, that the long vacation would also be used to be alert and prepare themselves and the environment to face this potential.

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