JAKARTA - The Agriculture and Food Service of Kulon Progo Regency admits that it is difficult to monitor the traffic of livestock from outside in an effort to prevent the spread of foot and mouth disease because it passes through a rat road that cannot be detected by officers.

Head of the Animal Health Division of the Kulon Progo Agriculture and Food Service (DPP), Sudarmanto, admitted that before Eid al-Adha, many unscrupulous livestock traders are determined to bring in livestock from outside Kulon Progo, even though the DPP has banned livestock from entering.

"It turns out that a lot of livestock imported to Kulon Progo go through the 'rat route'. Even though the DIY Regional Government, police and services have set up checkpoints for livestock traffic, swordsmen have diverted the road using rat lanes," said Sudarmanto in Kulon Progo, quoted by Antara. from Antara, Friday 3 June.

He said the agency did not have the power to ban cattle from entering. For example, there are livestock that suddenly enter and are positive for PMK, the service can only carry out supervision.

"Actually, we have appealed to traders not to import livestock from outside," he said.

He admitted that his party had been called by several traders who would sell livestock to Bandung, West Java. However, based on the regent's policy, DPP cannot issue a Certificate of Animal Health (SKKH).

Until now, Kulon Progo DPP does not allow livestock to enter and leave to prevent the spread of FMD.

"We have received complaints from traders why livestock cannot enter and do not issue SKKH. We are only carrying out our duties to prevent the spread of PMK," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Kulon Progo Agriculture and Food Service Aris Nugraha said the Kulon Progo Regency Government had issued a circular from the regent regarding livestock entering Kulon Progo must come from areas free of PMK.

Then, there must be a Certificate of Animal Health (SKKH) to anticipate more and more livestock from outside the area entering.

"Immediately coordinate with Poskeswan. We can monitor. If necessary, livestock from outside, and forced to have entered, must be isolated for 14 days," he said.

In Kulon Progo, there are 111 livestock positive for FMD, 20 of them recovered and one died.

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