SEMARANG - The Bhayangkari Central Executive held a social service in the form of distributing basic necessities to residents of the victims of the tidal flood around Tanjung Emas Harbor, Semarang, Thursday, June 2.

The handover of thousands of food packages including cash was carried out at the Command Headquarters (Mako) of the Central Java Police Ditpolairud in the Tanjung Emas Port Area.

Accompanied by a number of administrators, the General Chairperson of Central Bhayangkari, Juliati Sigit Prabowo, symbolically handed over food assistance to ten residents.

In addition to the social service event in the form of food delivery by Bhayangkari, at the same location, a Health Service in the form of Free Vaccination by the Central Java Regional Police Biddokkes was also held.

It was recorded that thousands of people attended to receive basic food assistance and around 75 of them also immediately participated in the vaccination.

"This activity is an effort by the Police to be proactive in accelerating COVID vaccination in Semarang. In addition, this activity is a form of health service in order to welcome the 76th Anniversary of Bhayangkara which falls on July 1, 2022," said dr. Hastry through a written statement, Thursday, June 2nd.

A number of residents positively welcomed the activities carried out by the Central Bhayangkari Management and the Central Java Police Medical and Health Field.

They felt it was very helpful because they had been unable to work for several days due to being affected by the tidal flood.

"Alhamdulillah, it was very helpful," said two residents of Bandarharjo Village who were present at the activity.

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