MAKASSAR - The building in the Andi Mattalatta Matoanging Stadium area, Makassar, South Sulawesi, has begun to be demolished. Demolition is an advanced stage before the new international stadium construction project.
The demolition of the old Mattoanging Stadium building was marked by the ceremony of the Governor of South Sulawesi on board the excavator. This demolition was witnessed by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the South Sulawesi Sports Foundation (YOSS) Andi Ilhamsyah Mattalatta and a number of Provincial Government officials.
The initial demolition of the stadium started at the entrance gate 4 (VIP north). The demolition of the Mattoanging stadium is targeted to be completed in two months.
"Insyaallah, the demolition for two months can be completed and we will continue the physical construction of our stadium," said Nurdin Abdullah at the location, Wednesday, October 21.
Nurdin said the South Sulawesi Provincial Government focused on the physical demolition of the stadium, not the entire facility in the Mattoanging Stadium complex. However, the physical stadium will be built to be bigger than the previous one.
"Move a little so that the jogging track is a little wider, so the jogging track will be two, above and below," he said.

Prof. NA - Nurdin 's nickname - hopes that the construction of the stadium will be completed in early 2022. "Our hope is that God willing, it will be early 2022, the renovation will take 18 months at the longest," he continued.
Meanwhile, YOSS Board of Trustees Andi Ilhamsyah Mattalatta said that his party handed over the entire process of building the Mattoanging Stadium to the South Sulawesi Provincial Government.
"We are in accordance with what was done last February, the agreement that we together will give flexibility to the government to carry out such renovations," he said.
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