JAKARTA - Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD held a meeting to discuss the draft general policy on APBD changes as well as temporary budget priorities and ceilings (KUPA-PPAS) for changes to the 2020 DKI Regional Budget in the Puncak area, West Java.

This was confirmed by a member of Commission B DPRD DKI Gilbert Simanjuntak. The location is in the meeting room of Grand Cempaka Resort, Cipayung, Megamendung, Puncak, West Java.

"Yes, the meeting at Grand Cempaka Cipayung. (Hotel) belongs to the DKI Provincial Government," Gilbert said when contacted, Wednesday, October 21.

Based on the invitation to the meeting seen by VOI, the meeting to discuss the draft budget will present 22 members of Commission B of the DKI DPRD. Including, the Chairperson of the DKI DPRD as the coordinator of Commission B.

The DKI DPRD economic sector commission also invited DKI Provincial Government officials directly, namely the DKI Regional Secretariat for Economic and Finance Assistant, the Inspectorate, the DKI Regional Development Planning Agency, the Regional Financial Management Agency, and the Economic Bureau.

In addition, Commission B of the DKI DPRD also invited heads of offices and regional owned enterprises (BUMD) related to the DKI economy.

Gilbert admitted that his party had strong reasons for the DPRD to hold a meeting outside his office. He said that currently the DPRD office is being closed.

"Today the office is closed. If we use a restaurant in Jakarta, later the people (public) will be noisy," said Gilbert.

After all, currently almost all areas are being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Where, there must be a limitation on the capacity of people in one room.

"We must continue to work during a pandemic. Meanwhile, the discussion regarding this budget must be finished quickly," he concluded.

Separately, Acting Secretary of the Hadameon Council explained the reasons for holding the DKI DPRD meeting in the Puncak area. Hadameon said, the meeting room there can be arranged openly. Unlike the DPRD building which is closed because it uses air-conditioned rooms.

"The reason for the meeting in the Puncak area is because it needs open space to anticipate the spread of COVID-19. There, all our windows are open. If the office is all closed, there are no windows. Here, you can," Hadameon explained.

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