BABEL - West Bangka Regency in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands (Babel) has confirmed zero COVID-19 patients. The data was obtained from the local COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

"As of today, one patient from Mentok Sub-district is declared to have recovered or completed isolation, and there are no longer mandatory quarantine or treatment patients," said Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force for West Bangka Regency, M. Putra Kusuma in Mentok, quoted by the Antara news agency. from Antara, Monday 30 May.

He explained, during the COVID-19 pandemic in West Bangka, there were 7,054 cases of residents who were confirmed positive for COVID-19, 160 of them died and 6,894 were declared cured or finished undergoing treatment.

"The last patient is a resident of Mentok District who has finished carrying out the isolation period today. We hope that there will be no additional patients or residents who have contracted the virus," he said.

In order to minimize the risk of contracting the virus, according to him, residents still need to carry out health protocols in a disciplined manner, especially when in a room or when in a crowd.

In addition, completing a full dose of COVID-19 vaccination also needs to be done to increase the body's resistance which will be useful when contracting the virus and will not cause severe symptoms or even death.

"Vaccination is important for body immunity as well as building communal immunity during this pandemic," he said.

Until now, the number of residents of West Bangka who had received the first dose of vaccine was 133,289 or 84.4 percent of the target number of 157,934 people, while the recipients of the second dose of vaccine were 106,996 or 67.75 percent and 21,417 or 13.56 percent of the third dose.

In addition, the government has also given vaccination injections for children aged six to 11 years with a target number of 21,728 people, who received the first dose of vaccine 20,871 or 96.06 percent and the second dose of 17,715 or 81.54 percent.

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