JAKARTA - The SAR team from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Ogan Komering Ulu Regency (OKU), South Sumatra has evacuated the body of a man who drowned in the Ogan River in Hollandng Village, Ulu Ogan District since the afternoon of Sunday 29 May.

"Alhamdulillah, after searching for about 20 hours, finally the victim's body was identified as Ponco Prihartanto, a resident of Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province, this morning at 10.30 WIB," said Head of BPBD Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), Amzar Kristopa in Baturaja, Monday. May 30 quoted from Antara.

He explained that in the disbursement, his party deployed a team with complete equipment to go along the Ogan River to find the whereabouts of the victims.

"The search was stopped due to night conditions, so it was continued the next day," he said.

After thawing, finally the victim's body was found dead in a pathetic condition 500 meters from the starting point of the drowning victim.

"We found the victim stuck in a branch with the condition already dead," he said.

After being found, said Amzar Kristopa, the victim's body was immediately taken by the family to be taken to his hometown in Tulang Bawang, Lampung Province to be eaten properly.

Previously, the victim of Ponco Prihartanto, a resident of Setia Tama Village, Gedung Aji Baru Tulang Bawang Subdistrict, Lampung Province, drowned and was swept away by the current of the Ogan River in Hollandng Village, Ulu Ogan District, OKU Regency on Sunday (29/5).

According to Yono's statement, one of the local residents admitted that the victim at that time came with his family and work friends to Hollandng Village for a picnic by the river.

"Unfortunately, after having lunch on the river bank, the victim took a bath and immediately drowned until he did not come back to the surface," he said.

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