Menpan RB Regrets Hundreds Of Civil Servants Resigned Because Of Low Salaries: If You Want More, Just Business
MenPAN RB Tjahjo Kumolo/DOK Kemenpan RB via ANTARA

JAKARTA - Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Tjahjo Kumolo regretted that hundreds of prospective civil servants (CPNS) who passed the selection but resigned. get human resources (HR) as expected. "With that fee, the government should get the needed ASN. However, because someone resigned, the formation was empty. The costs were large, but they did not get the human resources," said Tjahjo in his statement was quoted by Antara, Monday, May 30.

The government has also issued a large budget to hold the 2021 CPNS recruitment process, he added, but the formation that should be filled is empty. Regarding the alleged reason for the hundreds of CPNS resigning because the salaries of civil servants are low, Tjahjo said that prospective applicants should understand the rights and obligations of being a civil servant. before applying for a CPNS formation. "Supposedly, CPNS already know how much salary and income per month. If you want (salary) more, just do business," he said. However, this amount does not include allowances, overtime fees, and a lifetime pension. "Every month there is a basic salary, it is small, under Rp. 5 million; but there is a performance allowance, the 13th salary and 14th salary, there is a lump sum. and overtime fees, can also retire for life and Taspen," he said. In addition, he continued, the government also continues to strive to improve welfare for all ASN and government employees with work agreements (PPPK). "Pak (President) Jokowi also continues to pay attention to improving welfare. ASN and PPPK gradually, also honor ASN as government employees who serve the community," he said.


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Meanwhile, based on data from the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) as of Friday (27/5), it was recorded that 100 CPNS who passed the 2021 admissions selection test resigned. This figure fell by five people after on Friday (20/5) BKN noted that 105 CPNS who passed the 2021 admissions selection resigned. The Head of the Legal, Public Relations and Cooperation Bureau of BKN, Satya Pratama, said the decline was caused by an agency replacing the position. CPNS who resigned by participants with a rank below him. "However, with a note that the NIP has not been submitted. Therefore, the number of those who resigned dropped this week," said Satya in Jakarta, Friday (27/5).

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