JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya is collaborating with the DKI Jakarta Health Service to monitor and record the ambulances deployed in demonstrations against the Omibus Law on Employment Creation, on Tuesday, October 20.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said the cooperation was carried out to anticipate the ambulance title being used to transport the needs of the rioters.

"We have coordinated with the DKI Health Office to be able to record the existing ambulances, to control and help us," Yusri told reporters, Tuesday, October 20.

With this supervision, it is hoped that there will be no more use of ambulances for other purposes. But if it is still found, Yusri emphasized that his party would take firm action.

"If there is camouflage behind it, instead of preparing stones for the demonstrators, we will act decisively," he said.

Previously, the police detected several modes used by the facilitators to supply the rioters' needs. One of them is by using an ambulance and private cars undercover.

"Some of them use ambulances which are free to move. There are also private vehicles that have all been detected," Yusri told reporters, Wednesday, October 14.

As a result of the interim investigation, the facilitator supplied food and stones to the rioters. So, they can attack the police.

"There are indications of preparing tools, stones for demonstrations, throwing stones," he said.

But about the figure of the facilitator, Yusri could not comment. The reason is that the police are still carrying out the investigation process.

"We are still exploring everything," he said

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