JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion advises male pilgrims who will wear ihram cloth to use a belt or belt to ensure the ihram cloth is safe and does not come off.

"To make it sturdy and strong, we use a belt so it won't come off," said Director of Hajj Development at the Ministry of Religion, Arsad Hidayat, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, May 25.

Arsad practices how to wear ihram cloth to make it comfortable when performing tawaf and sa'i, especially for men who are obliged to wear ihram cloth during Umrah or Hajj.

The ihram clothes used consist of two pieces of white cloth that are not sewn, one sheet is worn at the bottom, stretched behind the body above the waist with the left side longer.

Then, the ends of the right side are joined with the left side along the sleeve, the rest of the fabric is folded in the front so that when stepping on the inside of the foot does not open.

Then the cloth is rolled up like wearing a sarong, preferably until it covers the navel because it is a man's aurat but does not cover the ankles. Then tied with a belt or belt.

The second cloth is draped like a scarf over the shoulders to the front of the body, the left is shorter than the right. The left end of the fabric is tucked into the belt.

"It is tucked in the belt so that the ihram cloth does not fall easily, it is tied up tight," he said. Then the right side of the upper body is covered with the right side of the cloth.

In the tawaf position, the ihram cloth that covers the right arm is placed under the right arm or armpit and the ends are draped over the left shoulder. So that the shoulder to the right arm is open.

It is important to note that men are not allowed to wear sewn clothes during Umrah or Hajj, while women's Ihram clothes are clothes that cover the whole body except for the face and hands and do not form curves.

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