JAKARTA - The DPR has ratified the revision of Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Legislations (UU P3). The quick movement of the DPR and the government in ratifying the revision of the P3 Law is said to have not involved public involvement.

Researcher from the Constitution and Democracy Initiative (KoDe) Violla Reininda, admitted that she was worried that the rapid process of passing this law would be repeated again in the discussion of improving the Job Creation Law in the future. Given that there has been no significant progress in terms of openness and public participation in the revision of the P3 Law and the IKN Law), the revision of the Job Creation Law has the potential to end in the same way.

"The interests that are being targeted are not public interests, so that potential public participation is considered irrelevant and a formality," said Violla, Wednesday, May 25.

In fact, he continued, one of the decisions of the Constitutional Court (MK) related to the Job Creation Law is to open the widest possible participation of people who want to criticize and provide input on the revision of the law.

So, according to Violla, the P3 Bill which was passed by the plenary session of the DPR will become the legal basis for the Job Creation Act.

"Public participation in the formation of the law must be read in conjunction with several aspects, namely access to all documents related to the formation and proportionality of the time of formation. And how the DPR and the government actively invite and involve the community. However, all three were not achieved in the discussion on the revision of the P3 Law," explained Violla.

Violla said that the discussion of the P3 Law was only carried out for less than two weeks and the documents were not accessible to the public. “Channels, open meetings on social media have the value of formality. It cannot be used as a benchmark for participation because there is no two-way and interactive communication,” said Violla.

Then public participation as happened in the discussion of the Law on Sexual Violence (UU TPKS) was initiated by community groups. The government and DPR should be pro-active, said Violla.

"Public participation means that the DPR and the Government are proactive and take the initiative to involve the community and related parties, not the other way around," said Violla.

Previously, DPR Chair Puan Maharani emphasized that the ratification of the P3 Law today is to follow up on the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the Omnibus Law on Job Creation (Ciptaker). Puan also ensured that the DPR would immediately begin discussing the revision of the Job Creation Law after the presidential letter (Surpres) was received by parliament.

"Yes, we will wait for the president's letter (Surpres) from the president. Then according to the mechanism in the DPR, we will continue to implement it according to the mechanism," said Puan, at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 24.

Puan explained that the revision of the P3 Law was carried out because Law 12/2011, which is a guideline for drafting laws and regulations, did not regulate the Omnibus Law method. Meanwhile, the previous Constitutional Court decision requested that the Job Creation Law be revised.

"Earlier, the government's view stated that in the future how the discussion of the P3 Law can be directly carried out by respecting the decision of the Constitutional Court. So that later its implementation can run well in the field and in accordance with existing rules," concluded Puan

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