MAKASSAR - Candidate for Mayor of Makassar candidate number 3 Syamsu Rizal MI (Deng Ical) emphasized the reform program in Makassar City, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) if elected in the upcoming December 9 Pilkada. Deng Ical emphasized that regional leaders must become examples of service as public servants so that they can become examples of ASN bureaucrats.

“The mayor and deputy mayor are not bosses. But public servants, "said Deng Ical in a written statement, Sunday, October 18.

The mindset of the leadership is that according to Deng Ical, the boss must be eliminated. There, the mayor to the lowest ranks is a servant.

"The principle that the mayor is not the boss must be translated to the lowest level of government. All must hold and implement the best and professional service standards for the community, ”he said in front of residents of Tamalate, Makassar.

One example of a service that can be adopted is when visiting a bank. While still at the door, it was opened. Smiles, greetings and greetings also never disappear.

"That's because the bank views the customer as an asset. The government must also view the people as an asset that must be properly maintained and served, ”he said.

Deng Ical explained 3 100-day programs with Fadli Ananda (Dilan) if elected in the Makassar Pilkada. Apart from bureaucratic reform, there is also data unification and drainage maps. Unification of data so that no one else has the right to receive assistance is not recorded, while drainage maps to ensure all drainage are connected to cope with flooding.

"The three (3) 100 day programs are equally important and will be implemented simultaneously once we are given the mandate and have been appointed. If we agree and feel that this program meets the needs of the community, choose Miki Deng Ical-Fadli Ananda on December 9, 2020 at their respective polling stations, "he concluded.

Deputy Chairman of the Makassar DPRD Praises the Pro Millennial Small Dilan Program

Deputy Chairman of the Makassar DPRD, Suhada Sappaile, appreciated the Creative Center (Kece) program and capital assistance for start-ups from candidate pair number three, Syamsu Rizal-Fadli Ananda (Dilan). The program clearly shows the alignment of the doctor and doctor pair to millennials.

According to Suhada, his party is ready to oversee these programs if Dilan is entrusted with leading Makassar City. Moreover, this series of programs is indeed appropriate to current conditions and can help accelerate the regional economy.

"It is time for us to give trust to young people, millennial groups to take part in building Makassar. Now, Dilanhadir with pro-millennial programs, such as the Kece program and capital assistance for start-ups," he said, Sunday, October 18.

The chairman of PDIP Makassar continued that the millennial group has great potential and promises to encourage regional progress. However, he said, a leader who is able to embrace and encourage this potential is needed.

“Dilan is here as a millennial representation. Not only figures, such as Doctor Fadli, who are still young, but his program also favors millennials. Yes, you could say that this candidate pair cares the most about millennials, "he said.

Deputy Chairman of the Makassar DPRD, Suhada Sappaile

Deng Ical, Syamsu Rizal's nickname, previously said that his party had compiled several economic programs targeting millennials. Dilan is committed to empowering the younger generation because the potential and opportunities are very promising. He believes that in the hands of millennials, Makassar will be more advanced and developed.

"Millennials are now very dominant and have promising potential, so they should not be ignored, they must be given the opportunity. I have great confidence that millennials, if directed properly, will be able to bring Makassar much better than it is today. They can be the driving force for Makassar's economy. "he said.

Some of Dilan's economic programs for millennials are the Creative House or Creative Center (Kece). Through this program, DILAN encourages co-working policies as a forum for youth creation in all sub-districts / villages in the form of a center for creativity and collaboration.

"We also schedule a coaching clinic in the form of a training program, incubation and assistance to become a beginner entrepreneur," said the former Deputy Mayor of Makassar.

It doesn't stop there, Dilan also prepares capital assistance for start-ups or startups. This doctoral and doctor pair is committed to encouraging young people in Makassar to participate in developing start-ups given the huge business potential. Many local start-ups are now big companies, such as Gojek and Bukalapak.

"We want a start-up from Makassar that will grow and become big. If it is realized, trust and believe that Makassar's economy will be boosted. Hence, we are preparing capital assistance of up to Rp100 million per start-up," said the Chairman of PMI Makassar City.

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