MAKASSAR - A high school student in Gowa, South Sulawesi with the initials M committed suicide by drinking poison. The trigger, allegedly due to depression, is the number of online tasks and the difficulty of internet access.

"It is true, the discovery of a female corpse, committed suicide," Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Gowa Police, AKP Jufri Natsir, told VOI on Sunday, October 18.

Jufri Natsir explained that the incident took place on Saturday, October 17th. The location is in Bonto Te'ne Hamlet, Bilalang Village, Gowa.

M's body was first found by his younger brother who immediately called his aunt. At that time, the house was quiet because the family went to garden.

"Then Daeng Ngasi came into the house to see him and found the victim dead under the bed and spitting foam in his mouth," he said.

From the family's statement to the police, M often complained about the large amount of school work.

"The victim often complains to his schoolmates about the difficulty of accessing the internet at his residence, which causes piles of online assignments," said Jufri.

"I always dream of being bathed like someone who died and had told his friends that I would die on Saturday or Sunday," he continued.

From the facts obtained in the field, there were no signs of violence on the victim's body. It is suspected that M drank poison.

"The remains of the poison that the victim drank are still under the victim's bed and it is estimated that he drank the poison," said Jufri.

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