JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkum HAM) Edward OS Hiariej said there were six important points proposed by the government in the material for amendments to the Draft Law (RUU) on Narcotics.

"There are six materials for amendments and the government's proposed bill," he said at a Public Hearing Meeting (RDPU) with Commission III of the DPR, reported by Antara, Monday, May 23.

He explained that the proposal was related to new psychoactive substances, rehabilitation, an integrated assessment team, investigators' authority, requirements, procedures for testing and sampling as well as determining the status of confiscated goods and improving criminal provisions.

The background of the second amendment to the Narcotics Law, he said, was to improve the prevention, eradication, abuse, illicit trafficking of narcotics (P4GN), and narcotic precursors.

In addition, he explained, narcotics precursor P4GN is still high and cannot be handled quickly, precisely and properly. Then, efforts to prioritize a restorative justice approach, namely rehabilitation measures compared to punishing abusers, addicts, victims of narcotics abusers, and narcotics precursors.

The Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights said that until now there has been no regulation on new psychoactive substances circulating in the community that have the potential to damage health and cause addiction that is as dangerous as narcotics.

"We have received a list of inventory problems (DIM) from the DPR as many as 360 DIM," said Edward.

He explained that as many as 66 DIMs were permanent, 13 DIMs were editorial, 10 DIMs asked for an explanation, 178 DIMs were substantive, and 93 DIMs were new.

Previously, in the Working Meeting (Raker) of Commission III of the DPR and the government on Tuesday (18/5) they agreed on the formation of a Working Committee (Panja) to discuss the revision of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

"So that the discussion on the revision of the Narcotics Law is more focused and comprehensive, do you agree to form a working committee," said Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives Prince Khairul Saleh.

All members of Commission III of the DPR stated that they agreed to form a Working Committee on the Narcotics Bill with the Chairperson of the Committee, Prince Khairul Saleh.

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