JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reviewed the budget discussion process for the procurement of official official cars for the leadership, supervisory board, and structural officials within the KPK.

"We really heard all the input from the public and therefore decided to review the process of discussing the budget for the procurement of the official official car and we are currently conducting a" review "to ensure compliance with applicable regulations," said KPK Secretary General Cahya H Harefa during a meeting. press at the KPK building, Jakarta, quoted by Antara Friday, October 16.

He conveyed that the proposed 2021 budget for the procurement of official cars was carried out with the aim of supporting the implementation of the duties and functions of leaders, adults, and structural officials.

This is guided by the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number: 150 / PMK.06 / 2014 regarding the planning for the need for state property.

"The submission process has been through a mechanism since the basic number" review "which includes the previous year's 'review' and basic operational expenditure needs," said Cahya.

According to him, the process will continue until it is determined as a definitive ceiling which is marked by the signing of the Ministry of Institution Budget Work Plan (RKAKL) by the DPR.

"Furthermore, it is followed by discussion and review by the KPK together with the Ministry of Finance and Bappenas. Finally, the DIPA will be published in December 2020," said Cahya.

Based on information, the budget for the KPK chairman's official car is worth Rp1.45 billion, four KPK deputy chairs each, Rp1 billion, and KPK Dewas each Rp.702 million.

Previously informed, the KPK Dewas refused to provide the official car facility. The KPK Dewas also not aware of the proposal and also never participated in discussions within the KPK regarding the official car.

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